Jamie Oliver_Teach Every Child about Food_FOOD


The talk is given by Jamie Oliver and he states how America’s obesity issue has substantially grown in the recent years and is expected to double in the upcoming years. The key point is that it is preventable. For children, what they eat greatly depends on the school cafeteria and their mothers. If the school and home realize the seriousness of the issue and how much damage they are causing, there will be a change. Schools need to educate the students about food and what kind of a diet is a healthy diet. If the school, home and the government works together to provide the children and themselves a healthier diet, America’s number one killer, obesity, can be caught.


Obesity is a serious issue which people from all over the world need to be aware about. Like Jamie Oliver said, big corporations occupy pretty much everything. However, because they are blinded by the need to make profit, they ignore the tremendous damage they are causing and continue to be the source of America’s most notorious killer. On the other hand, I think that what children eat at home is also very important. If the parent is aware of all the dangers of fast food and the low quality school food, they should pack lunch for their child. At home, instead of eating fast food or high calorie food, they should be eating real food like fresh vegetables and real meat. Although very guilty, the fault isn’t only on the big corporations and the school board. As adults, parents should be the ones to educate their children about healthy diet and give them healthy food as well as for themselves. Food is a part of our everyday lives, so we need to think about what we eat.

Related Link


This is the link for Jamie Oliver’s 15 minute youtube cooking channel. . Jamie is a world renowned chef who really tries to spread the importance of healthy meals. Here, Jamie shows quick and healthy foods you can make in 15 minutes. A lot of people complain about how there isn’t a lot to make in 15 minutes and that it is hard to cook. However, if you watch the video, Jamie shows easily how you can make some delicious things in only 15 minutes.

Vocabulary & Expressions


<We kind of have to look at it holistically>

Definition: The idea that the whole is more than merely the sum of its parts

Korean Equivalent: 전체적으로

Synonyms: Entire, total

Personal Sentence: Holistically, the situation is going as we planned it to be.


<I want to tell you about something that kind of epitomizes the trouble that we’re in, guys, OK?>

Definition: to contain or represent in small compass; serve as a typical example of;

Korean Equivalent: 완벽한 보기, 전형적으로 보여주다

Synonyms: Characterize, exemplify

Personal Sentence: By looking at the little actions the person makes, you can epitomize the person.

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